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Trie data structure

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    Pruthvi Duvva

Here we will see implementation of Trie data structre

Explain node

Trie Data structure in kotlin

Node used in Trie

data class Node(
    private val children: MutableMap<Char, Node> = mutableMapOf<Char, Node>(),
    private var isWord: Boolean = false
    fun addChild(key: Char, node: Node){
        children[key] = node

    fun getChild(key: Char): Node?{
        return children[key]

    fun removeChild(key: Char){

    fun getChildrenSize() = children.size

    fun getChildren() = children.values

    fun setAsWord(){
        isWord = true

   	fun removeAsWord(){
        isWord = false

    fun isWord() = isWord

Trie class

class Trie{
    private val root: Node = Node()

    fun insertIterative(word: String){
        var currentWord = root
        for(c in word){
            var child = currentWord.getChild(c)
            if(child == null){
                child = Node()
                currentWord.addChild(c, child)
            currentWord = child


    fun insert(word: String){
       insert(word, root, 0)

    private fun insert(word: String, currentWord: Node, index: Int){
        if(index == word.length){

        val char = word[index]
        var child = currentWord.getChild(char)
        if(child == null){
            child = Node()
            currentWord.addChild(char, child)

        insert(word, child, index + 1)

    fun searchIterative(word: String): Boolean{
        var currentWord = root

        for(c in word){
           	val child = currentWord.getChild(c)
            if(child == null){
                return false
            currentWord = child

        return currentWord.isWord()

    fun search(word: String): Boolean{
        return search(word, root, 0, false)

    fun startsWith(prefix: String): Boolean{
        return search(prefix, root, 0, true)

    private fun search(word: String, currentWord: Node, index: Int, prefixSearch: Boolean): Boolean{
        if(index == word.length){
            return if(prefixSearch) true else currentWord.isWord()
        val child = currentWord.getChild(word[index])
        if(child == null){
            return false

        return search(word, child, index + 1, prefixSearch)

    fun searchWithWildCard(word: String, currentWord: Node, index: Int, wildCard: Char): Boolean{
        if(index == word.length){
            return currentWord.isWord()

        val ch = word[index]

        if(ch == wildCard){
            for(child in currentWord.getChildren()){
                if(search(word, child, index + 1, false)){
                    return true
            return false

        val child = currentWord.getChild(ch)

        if(child == null){
            return false

        return search(word, child, index + 1, false)


    fun delete(word: String){
        delete(word, root, 0)

    private fun delete(word: String, currentWord: Node, index: Int): Boolean{
        if(index == word.length){

                return false

            return currentWord.getChildrenSize() == 0

        val child = currentWord.getChild(word[index])
        if(child == null){
            return false

        val shouldDeleteWord = delete(word, child, index + 1)



            return currentWord.getChildrenSize() == 0

        return false

    fun getLexicographicSortedWords(): List<String>{
        val list = mutableListOf<String>()
        preOrder(root, "", list)
        return list.toList()

    private fun preOrder(node: Node, str: String, list: MutableList<String>){
        var cStr = str
        for(i in 32..126){
            val ch = i.toChar()
            val child = node.getChild(ch)
            if(child == null){
            preOrder(child, cStr + ch, list)

Try it out!

fun main() {
    val str = "lexicographic sorting of a set of keys can be accomplished with " +
                "a simple trie based algorithm we insert all keys in a trie output " +
                "all keys in the trie by means of preorder traversal which results " +
                "in output that is in lexicographically increasing order preorder " +
                "traversal is a kind of depth first traversal"
    val words = str.split(" ")

    val trie = Trie()

    for(word in words){

    println("Is there prefix match for \"lexi\" => ${trie.startsWith("lexi")}")

    println("Is \"lexicographically\" word present => ${"lexicographically")}")
    println("Is \"lexicographically\" word present => ${"lexicographically")}")

    val sorted = trie.getLexicographicSortedWords()
    println(sorted.joinToString(" -> "))


Is there prefix match for "lexi" => true
Is "lexicographically" word present => true
Is "lexicographically" word present => false
a -> accomplished -> algorithm -> all -> based -> be -> by -> can -> depth -> first -> in -> increasing -> insert -> is -> keys -> kind -> means -> of -> order -> output -> preorder -> results -> set -> simple -> sorting -> that -> the -> traversal -> trie -> we -> which -> with

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